
Friday 18 June 2021

Dazzling Decimals

Flash Addition!

 114 + 97 = 211

 93 + 289= 382

 128 + 87 = 215

163 + 84 = 247

 311 + 93 = 404

Change to fractions and decimals

1. 21% -  0.21  21/100

2. 19% - 0.19 19/100

3. 35% - 0.35 35/100

4. 63% 0.63 63/100

5. 40% 0.40 40/100

6. 15% 0.15 15/100

7. 75% 0.75 75/100

8. 83% 0.83 83/100

9. 7%  0.7 7/100

10. 1% 0.1 01/100


Change to percentages

½ = 50%

⅗ =  60%

17/20= 85%

41/ 50= 82%

7/10 = 70%

⅓=   33.333333333333333333333333

⅚= 25

14/35= 40% 

1/25=  4%

5/50 = 10%

21/76 = 55%

1. 35 + 97 = 132

2. 3.25 - 1.17= 2.08

3. 2 × -8 = -16

4. 5 × (2 + 4 × 3) = 70

5. 5.789 - 1.345 = 4.444

6. 1.789 - 0.987 = 0.802

7. 1.67 + 5.895 = 7.565

8. 1.578  + 2.654 = 4.322

9. 7.678 - 3.567 = 4.111

10. 4.789 + 1.678 = 6.467

This is may maths task for this term. We doing this task, I learnt how to add decimals, convert fractions into percentage, and covert fractions into decimals. Hope your learnt something knew reading this task. Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Oali, this is Olivia from Ahipara school. I really like how you explained what your task was and what you learned from doing the task. It is very detailed and taught me some new things as well!
    Maybe next time you could improve on your grammar.
    Keep up the good work Oali.
