
Thursday 27 May 2021

3.4 Kei Hea A ?

This here, is my Te reo task I was given for this week. The main question of this task is Kei Hea A. I had to find different places around New Zealand, and the Maori translation for it. Below this, is my create task, I had to make my own comic strip , based around this task. Enjoy.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Planet Earth and Beyond ( Planing )

Today we did our extension work on the questions we planned a couple of weeks ago, stay tuned because it is not yet finished! thank you!

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Kauearanga Valley Christian Camp ( Reflection )

 From the 19th of May to the 21st, our year 8's including me, took part in a leadership camp. The camp was called Kauaeranga Valley Christian Camp. We were all split into 4 groups. Each group was named after something that had to do with the camp site. The groups were Thames, Coromandel, Kauaeranga, and Kauri. I was in group Kauri. 

We had a heap mount of rotation. Two of my favourites, was the Flying Fox, and Ax throwing. My group, unfortunately didnt have a full rotation on the Flying Fox, but majority of us was able to have a turn. We had to go on the flying fox holding a red ball. As were getting closer to the end, there was a blue container. We all had to try to attempt to chuck the ball in the container, it was super fun. I got the ball in on my second try.

Ax throwing was my other favourite activity. We had to each have practice trys, before we had to make our own target. With all my trys I was able to get 2 ax's to stick on the wood. The thing I learnt in Ax throwing is to try different throws, to see which one actually worked.

Overall Kauaeranga Valley Christian Camp was a amazing experience. It showed me ways on how to be an amazing leader to my peers and others, but it also helped my get out of my comfort zone. 

My Leadership Goals

This is an inquiry based task. The two slides I did were all about leadership. I had to write, how I've been a leader around my peers and others, and how I can do better. Enjoy.

Friday 14 May 2021

Streets For Everyone

  Today we went around the streets and had a look at our projects that we were working on last term. When we started walking, that first project we saw was my project, me Simon, and Oalii's project, we were very amazed at the project because it was very cool, the first picture we saw, was a Lizard, we had to try and complete the lizard using the letters, we had to try and spell out the street names, but before we did that we had to figure out what the street name was. The street names were 'Holland' and 'Waddell'. The other picture we came across was a fantail, probably the symbol of our school. I couldn't possibly remember what the street names were, because I have to admit it, I wasn't paying that much attention to the words/street names, because I was just colouring it in with the chalk. Right now you might get bored, so I'm gonna end it off here, go and check out my classes blogs to see what else we looked at.

Information Report - Planet Mars.

 Mars! Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system, and also holds the largest mountain, which is 3x larger than Mt Everest! This information report is based all around planet Mars. 

Mars is known as the red planet. This signature colour comes from a chemical, known as iron oxide. Another reason why the planet Mars is red, is from rust, which causes the soil and atmosphere to look red. This is also the reason why they named the planet Mars. Mars is named after the ancient Romans for their god of war, mainly because its reddish colour resembles blood.

Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system, as already said. And its distance from the sun is 315.32 million km. 4.603 billion, is how old Mars is, and was found in the year 1610. Did you know, there were 18 missions to Mars ? And all those missions were successful.

There are two moons that Mars has, which are Phobos and Deimos. Phobos is the innermost and bigger moon of Mars. Phobos is named after the Greek God Phobos, and a son of Ares and Aphrodite, and the twin brother of Deimos. Deimos, is the outermost of the two moons. Deimos’s distance between Mars is 23, 460 km, much further than the other moon.

Remember readers, there is way more information about Planet Mars. Who knows, maybe one day we might have to live on Mars. Overall hope you enjoyed reading this report, and I also hope you learnt something new as well.

This was my writing task for this week. I had to write a information report based on planet Mars. This was a fun task to do, hope you enjoyed, and learnt something new aswell.

Planet Mars

This is my literacy task for this week. This task was based on planet Mars. This task was given to us to finish throughout the week.

Here is my create task, I worked on throughout the week.

Thursday 13 May 2021

Improper Fractions

This is another one of my maths task for this week. What we had to do for this task was to convert between mixed and improper fractions. Hope you enjoyed, and hoped you enjoyed something new from this post. 

Fresh Fractions

             Fresh Fractions

We are learning to find fractions of a whole and of a set.

We are learning to add and subtract fractions

What is 1/4 of 4?  1

What is ¼ of 8? 2

What is ⅓ of 6? 2

What is 2/6 of 12? 4

What is ¼ of 20? 5

What is 1/10 of 20 ? 2

What is ⅔ of 30? 20

What is ⅕ of 25? 5

4 of us are sharing a chocolate cake. What do we cut it up into? 4 quarters  

12 of us are sharing a chocolate cake. What do we cut it up into? 12 pisces

I have 5/16 of a cake at a birthday party. I keep going back for more and eat another  6/16 of a cake. What fraction of a cake have I eaten altogether?   11/16

I have 10/21 of a cake left over from the party. Then I give 6/21 of a cake to my sisters. What fraction of a cake do I have left over? 4/21

⅓ + ⅔ = 3/3

¾ + ¾ = 1.5

⅕ + ⅗ = 4/5

⅘ - ⅗ = 1/5

5/10 - 1/10 = 4/10

55/60 - 40/60 = 15/60

12/20 + 17/20 =  1.45 

This is one of my maths task for this week. This task is based around fractions. Hope you enjoy, and hoped you learnt something new aswell.

Monday 10 May 2021

Creating with Fractions


 Today for maths we were given a maths task. This task was based around fractions. We had to answer the questions that were on the presentation. This task was easy, because we answered these sort of questions last year. I enjoyed this task, alot. Hope you enjoy, and learnt something knew aswell. 

Friday 7 May 2021

Buliding a Raft

 Today, we did a activity related to team work. We got put into groups of 4, to make it easier we grouped up with the people in out table. My group was Lincoln and Simon. We had to work together and try to make a boat/raft, out of straws, our extra items, were tape, and scissors. Each group had to make a boat that could hold a plastic animal, and can float in a bucket of water. Our group successfully completed the activity, and got awarded points. 

We decided to wrap all the straws in tape. Because we thought the more tape we added the more chance our boat had of floating in the water. We also, taped down our plastic animal, just so it won't fall off.

Heres a photo, of our boat. 


Wednesday 5 May 2021

Year 7 & 8 Extension, Watch The Space

 Today we had our first Extension session for term 2. Ms. West made a presentation, with questions based on Earth. The question that was my favourite was ( what are some reasons that earth could become uninhabitable? ). We each had to answer all of the questions that were given to us.

After we answered all that questions, we had to pick a topic on what we will be researching about this term. We had the choice to either work independently or in pears. I'm working in a pear with Norah-Jade , and what we are going to research about is, Why is Earth the only planet that we know has life. We chose this topic, because we wanted to find out why, and how they made Earth a living planet.

Feel free, to check out Norah-Jade's for more information about this.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Earth Activity


Our theme for this term is Watch the Space. 

This is a inquiry based task, and it was all about my knowledge I have of the Earth. I had to write what I already knew, and what I wanted to know, and then I researched the answer. I hope your enjoy as well as learn something knew.