
Saturday, 28 October 2017

What I Did For My Night

Tonight I went to Church with my lovely Auntie the Church that we went to was a meeting but it was for girls only. We started the meeting off with by doing a pray the we went off and read some verses from the bible. The verses of the bible said to never give up and to love the ones who is mean to you and also to don't be mean back. Then we all went up in the front and said a nice peaceful pray by ourselves after we finished that pray we all felt very good. Then we sang a song about Jesus and God after that we handed some money to the worker. After that there was a group of girls that went on the stage and got a bracelet that will guide you where ever you go they also got in to the Godly wood Group. Then we said a closing pray and then we went and picked up some dinner for our family while we were still driving in the car we got home and I ate a little bit and after I did my nanas hair to. Then I went to sleep a little while I heard my nana say to come and do a pray so I woke up and close my eyes for the prayer.

                                     THE REST OF MY NIGHT

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