Kia Ora, fellow blog readers. This is my Te Reo task for this week. This time the question was based around weather. So our teacher created a slide show for us to accomplish. This was the same task as last week but a different question. So we had to figure out what kind of weather it was in the picture. This was a super fun task learning how to pronounce the weather in Maori. As always along with this task I created a comic strip for my create task. I loved how it turn out. Thanks for listening.
Thursday, 24 September 2020
As I Saw it ~?
Hello fellow readers. This is another As I saw It task. I finished this task with my classmate Zamera. So for this task we carried on with the James Cook and the Maori's task. We each had an object that was either in the hands of a Maori person or in the hands of the person working for James Cook. When had to find out weather this object was traded and how it was used in this sistuation.
Monday, 21 September 2020
As I saw It ~
Hello Blog readers. This is another ~ As I Saw It ~. The Walt I had for this task was to understand how people remember and record the past in different ways. I worked with my friend Zamera. We each had a topic to research about, and to give us a head start Mrs. Stone give us site to read off from.
The topic our picked was to find out what was life like for Maori's in the 1769. As I researched I found out was that it was super hard to find information about my topic. I also learned Pekeha's tend to write there information's down, as with \Maori's they tend to speak aloud, so there voices are clearly heard.
Sunday, 20 September 2020
Tuvalu WorkShop

So today team 5 were lucky enough to be a part of 2 workshops. The first workshop was based on theater performance , and the second workshop was based on Tuvalu dance.
Last week Rm 5, 1, and 4 took part in the theater workshop. Rm 11, 3, and 2 took place in the Tuvalu based workshop, we had to switch around. Which meant I had to contribute to the Tuvalu workshop.
Part of the Tuvalu workshop was to make sure we understood their cultural traditions, and just their culture in general.
Molia was the lady who ran our workshop, along with her assistant Mary Ann.
The first thing we did was learn the basic but important facts about Tuvalu. One thing I learnt that was interesting was that the Islands of Tuvalu is actually the 4th smallest country in the world. And there's about 11,00 people in tuvalu.
From there we got to learn about the unique dance costumes that are used for their traditional dances. We also learned about how to make those unique costumes. We learnt about the Fou, Safe, Titi kulama, and Titi toa, those were just the main 4 costumes they introduced to us.
Not long after that we start a Tuvalu dance. We had split into 2 groups: a girls group and a boys group. Us girls had to follow Mary Ann and the boys leader was Molia.
The dance was short and sharp. All we needed to do was listen up and follow the instructions. As we did we finished learning the moves and actions.
Overall it was super fun getting to know about the islands of Tuvalu. And even though Tuvalu language week is in the holidays it's great two know we did something to celebrate it. And I bet all of us enjoyed that wonderful experience.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Taha Wairua ~
This my final Te Whare Tapa wha task. Which is Taha Wairua. Taha Wairua is based around your spiritual health.
So basically I had to get a coloured object and say it in Maori. I've done this sort of task before so I concord it pretty well. This was a super fun task to finish. Hope to do it again sometime.
He aha te tae ?
Kia Ora. This is a Te Reo based task. The Walt for this task was ~ ask and answer questions about what things are.~ In this case the question for this task was He aha te tae ? ~ Makawe ~. Then our follow up task I had to answer the questions on the slides in Te Reo. This was a super fun task to accomplish. Along with this comes with a comic strip hope you enjoy.
2020 Te Reo,
He aha te tae ?,
Ms Tapuke,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Year 7
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Today we had to work out the volume of a box without a lid. We got to pick the size of the box and create it, we were trying to find the largest volume . :)
2020 maths,
Mrs stone,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Year 7
Monday, 14 September 2020
Quotes For 2020
Hello fellow blog readers. SO this is my own certain task I have done. This is basically just many quotes to keep me motivated. What I thought was cool was that I started this on the date 26/07/20 and finished it today. I Hope your motivated as well. ~ Take Care.
Te Reo Maori Moment ~
Today is the first very day of Maori language week. To celebrate this wonderful moment Pt England School is having a special moment. So 12:00 on the dot we will be singing a Maori waiata E Ihoa. Reason for that was because in the year 1972 at 12:00 pm 30,000 people petitioned to keep the native Maori Language alive.
Divine Decimals
Kia Ora fellow blog readers. This is my first task for this week and also my first maths task this week. So this task was mainly about adding and subtracting decimals, and also converting between the units of measurements. Then on page 8 I had to guess how much of that certain food weighs in grams. Then page 7 I had to guess how many ml are in those drugs. Lastly on page 5 I had to guess the time on each clock.
So basically its different problems in one presentation. This was super fun to do.
2020 maths,
Divine Decimals,
Mrs stone,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Year 7
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Te Reo ~ He Haketa Kikorangi?
Malo E lelei fellow blog readers. Thanks for stoping by to see this blog post. So this was a Te reo task we had to in rotations while the Year 8s were at tech. This was based around colours and objects. I had to fill in the sentences and figure out what colour that jacket is or the ball. Since it was Te reo I had to answer all the questions in Maori. This was a absolute great task. I always enjoy Te Reo.
Along with this task I had to accomplish and create task as well. I had to make a comic strip, and I had to repeat what we did on the follow up task. I like to make things more bright, and so I did the comic strip my way. This was also a cool task to finish.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Funky Fractions 2
Hello blog readers.
So this is my second maths task for today. But as you can see from the front page it is part 2 of the funky fractions.
This was just basically covering what we did on Monday. This was super fun to do. Thanks for listening ~ Take Care ~
2020 maths,
Funky Fractions 2,
Mrs stone,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Area ~ Perimeter, Of a Tapa Cloth
Kia Ora fellow blog readers.
In today's task I had to find out the Area and Perimeter of a Tapa cloth. Now if you go on the slide with the problem on it it seems pretty easy. Until you find out those cm's are for one of the squares. That was really hard just to even understand what was going on, in the slides.
In this task I had to add and multiply. This was a very challenging maths task. I would write some answers and then write another answer. But with a little bit of help from one of my friend I was able to finish this maths based task off properly. Thanks for listening ~ Take Care ~.
2020 maths,
Area ~ Perimeter,
Mrs stone,
Of a Tapa Cloth,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Year 7
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Why Culture Is Important To Me !
Talofa Lava, and Malo e Lelei, fellow blog readers.
So in today's task Room 4 had to do a culture based task. Well we had to write about our cultural traditions and how we/I celebrate it.
Now if you read my all about me, I am lucky enough to have both Samoa and Tonga culture through my bloodline. Now for me I thought it would of been a bit bias if I only picked one culture. So I decided to make 2 slides talking about each Individual culture. I love both country and I hope to do this task again some time.
Monday, 7 September 2020
Tongan Travel !
Hey fellow blog readers. So today in maths Room 4 did a algebra based math problem. The story was about a boy ~ Tomu ~ well he was about to leave for trip to the islands of tonga. But unlucky for him he didn’t know anything about his Aunt or Uncles. So his father made a graph to tell him more about his Uncles and Aunties.
Each person represented a thing. Aunty Ana = Most children, Uncle Loni = Tallest, Uncle Pita = Oldest, and Aunty Kuini.
So basically there were 3 graphs from there we had to figure out which dot was which Aunty or Uncle.
For me the graphs did make it seem a bit to hard, but if I clearly looked at it I would of got it.
So what happened Mrs Stone actually wrote the names in order which made it easier for us to actually work out the full problem.
Maths 2020,
Mrs stone,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Tongan Travel !,
Week 8
Funky Fractions
Malo e Lelei blog readers. Welcome to another week of posting. So this is my first maths based task for this week. And the platform around this task is mainly about Equivalent Fractions. This was again a good task to finish some question we challenging but I manged to get it done before our school intervals. I'm glad I finish this task. I love doing these types of maths problems. Thanks for listening. ~ Take Care ~.
Have a Happy Tongan Language Week.
Funky Fractions,
Maths 2020,
Mrs stone,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Week 8,
Year 7
Tongan Language Week
This week is Tongan Language week. Tongan language week is the celebration of the Tongan culture and language and to introduce New Zealanders to it. In New Zealand there are more Tongans born than there is in the actual country, as of now. And so it’s very important to acknowledge the Tongan Heritage. The theme for this year is “ Fakakola o Aotearoa aki ae Lotu Mo’oni”. If you translate it in English it’s “ Enriching Aotearoa New Zealand through Prayer and Faith”.
~ The capital of Tonga is Nuku Alofa.
~ Tonga is a Polynesian Kingdom of greater than 170 south pacific islands.
~ The population of the Kingdom of Tongan comes up to 103,197 in the year 2018.
~ The island of Tongan was actually found in the year 1970 on June the 4.
~ Tonga's King is a man named Tupou Vi.
~ In Tonga they are 1 hour ahead of New Zealand * Time Based*
This photo we took was actually when family members from Tonga travelled here to New Zealand to take part in our Family reunion. This reunion was held in Hamilton. This family is from my Mom's side. This was really fun to attend.

In these photos this was in the year 2015. And My family and I had the opportunity to actually go to Tonga and meet people there. This was a time to really get to know each other and spend time together. This was a super fun experience. And I hope to do it again.
Once again have a happy Tongan Language Week.
~ Tonga is a Polynesian Kingdom of greater than 170 south pacific islands.
~ The population of the Kingdom of Tongan comes up to 103,197 in the year 2018.
~ The island of Tongan was actually found in the year 1970 on June the 4.
~ Tonga's King is a man named Tupou Vi.
~ In Tonga they are 1 hour ahead of New Zealand * Time Based*
This photo we took was actually when family members from Tonga travelled here to New Zealand to take part in our Family reunion. This reunion was held in Hamilton. This family is from my Mom's side. This was really fun to attend.
In these photos this was in the year 2015. And My family and I had the opportunity to actually go to Tonga and meet people there. This was a time to really get to know each other and spend time together. This was a super fun experience. And I hope to do it again.
Once again have a happy Tongan Language Week.
2020 Literacy,
Mrs stone,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Tongan Language Week,
Year 7
Friday, 4 September 2020
~ Measurements! ~
Malo e Lelei blog readers. Welcome. Again thanks for taking the time out to check this post I've accomplished today. So today Room 4 are doing F.I.O.P (finishing it off properly.). And I thought what better way to do F.I.O.P then post a Maths task.
So this task as you can see from the front of the slide show is based on Measurements. This was a decent task. I was super challenged while doing this task. Especially the task when I had to Convert Between These Units of Measurements.
Againg Thanks for listening ~ Take Good Care ~.
~ Measurements! ~,
Maths 2020,
Mrs stone,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Year 7
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Whare Tapa Wha ~ Taha Hinengaro
Hi blog readers. Welcome, again. Thanks for taking your time to check out this post. So as you probably already have seen this is a Whare tapa Wha based task. And this third wall I did which is this task is about Taha Hinengaro. One thing I found out was that Taha Hinengaro is based on your mindset on what you think about. So for this task I picked a photo of me and wrote some words are my face. These word based on what I do and what I think of myself as. once again Thanks for Listening ~ Take Good Care ~.
Te Reo: He pene tau?
Kia Orana, Blog readers. Welcome again. So this is my task that we did when the year 8 students went off to tech. In case you you were wondering this is a Te Reo based task, and this task my teacher was Ms Tapuke. So for this task Ms Tapuke ask us a simple question in Maori " He Pene Tau " and if you translate it in English it is " Have You Got a pen ". And so well after that we had to answer in Maori. And in case you still don't get what this is all about check out the slide show that I have accomplished today.
So along with this task. I had a create task as well. SO we had to make a comic strip showing kids asking questions in Maori to there friend. This was a Pretty fun task to finish. I really enjoy doing Te Reo. ~ Thanks For Listening ~ Take , Care ~
2020 Te Reo,
Ms Tapuke,
Te Reo: He pene tau?,
Team 5,
Term 3,
Year 7
Whare Tapa Wha : Taha Whanau
Good Morning blog readers. So Today I did another task which again was about Whare Tapa Wha. Before this post I did a task based on the wall Taha Tinana. Well this task was based on another wall which was ~ Taha Whanau ~. So throughout this time I was doing this task I learnt the Taha Whanau is about creator a tight bond with others. And that tight bond doesn't need to be you immediate family and friends. It can be peers, colleagues and people around the community's. Hope your being a great friend to others. Thanks for Listening. ~ Take Care ~
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